Academic Published Papers
Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and practices of the informed consent process in oral healthcare among dental students in Makerere University Dental Hospital, Uganda
Cardiovascular Safety Outcomes of Testosterone Replacement in Men with Late-Onset and Functional Hypogonadism: A Systematic Review
Colon capsule endoscopy polyp detection rate vs colonoscopy polyp detection rate: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Current trends in the management of diabesity in Africa: A systematic review.
Duodenal Crohn's disease: Case report and systematic review
Point-of-care lung ultrasound in detecting pneumonia: A systematic review
Potential Novel Technologies for Bacterial Infection Diagnosis. Journal of Microbes and Research 3
Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors and Cardiovascular Protection Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review
Treatment of Helicopter pylori with potassium competitive acid blockers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Use of machine learning models for the prognostication of liver transplantation: A systematic review
Antibiotic Resistance and How to Limit
Association of infant weight at one year of age with the mode of delivery: A case-control study in Primary Health Care Centers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Efficacy and safety of mRNA and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases: A systematic review
Management of Sepsis in cirrhotic patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A systematic literature review.
Pulmonary cytomegalovirus infection: A case report and systematic review.
The Budget Impact Analysis of Adopting Direct Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients in Malawi
The Use of Economic Evaluation Tools in Essential Health Benefits Package Selection for Universal Health Coverage
What are the Most Common Conditions in Primary Healthcare
CLIF-SOFA and CLIF-C scores for the prognostication of acute-on-chronic liver failure and acute decompensation of cirrhosis: A systematic review.
Estimating the budget impact of adopting tenofovir/emtricitabine for pre-exposure prophylaxis of HIV in the public health sector in Namibia (2021 – 2023)
The Efficacy and Safety of Pimecrolimus in Patients With Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Type 2 diabetes
What are the Effects of Photodynamic Therapy in Mycotic Nails? - a Systematic Review of Controlled Trials
A community perspective of COVID-19 and obesity in children: Causes and consequences
Cost-effectiveness of Ruxolitinib for patients with Myelofibrosis: A Review of the Literature
Review on injuries in the Olympic sport taekwondo in training and competition, prevention recommendations
The cause of obesity is multifactorial but GP’s can do more
Comparison of Glucocorticoid Replacement Regimens in Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency: A Systematic Review
'Covibesity' A New Pandemic
Ethnicity versus Climate: The Impacts of Genetics and Environment on Rosacea Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
Generating evidences on rational management of dermatophytic infections
Managing malnutrition in COPD: A review
Outcomes of a nurse-led thyroid clinic at a tertiary-care endocrine centre
Vitamin D and obesity in adults: a pathophysiological and clinical update.
Agreement between self-reported asthma symptoms and exhaled nitric oxide levels: impact on inhaled corticosteroid prescribing in general practice. An observational study
Cardiovascular risk assessments at occupational health services: employee experiences.
Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors (SGLT-2i) Reduce Hospitalization for Heart Failure Only and Have No Effect on Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Events: A Meta-Analysis.
Different Insulin Initiation Regimens in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes - A Review Article
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy: Controversy over screening and intervention
Liraglutide and Dulaglutide therapy in addition to SGLT-2 inhibitor and metformin treatment in Indian type 2 diabetics: a real world retrospective observational study
Livedo reticularis: a cutaneous clue to an underlying endocrine crisis
Low pass-rate in postgraduate surgical examination in Nigeria and its contribution to the low surgeon workforce in the country; a review article
The evidence for different insulin initiation regimens in patients with type 2 diabetes
The growing risk of vitamin D toxicity; a comprehensive review
The Impact of Preoperative Eating Patterns on Weight Loss Outcomes After Different Types of Bariatric Surgery
Cardio Vascular Outcomes Trials (CVOTs) with Anti-Hyperglycemic Agents: Demystifying Statistical Complexities
Consensus on Bridges for Barriers to Insulin Therapy
Delayed dyskinesia and prolonged psychosis in a patient presenting with profound hyponatraemia
Secondary cvd prevention—Lipid modification strategies: A critical analysis
A critical review of low-carbohydrate diets in people with Type 2 diabetes
Consensus Statement on Dose Modifications of Anti Diabetic Agents used in Patients with Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease
Consensus Statement on Implication of Landmark Trials in Diabetes
Gliptins and Cardiovascular Outcomes: A Comparative and Critical Analysis after TECOS
Implementation of a “food tax” to prevent obesity: A critical appraisal
Review of the Pharmacological interventions and Bariatric surgery for Diabesity
Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of Empirical vitamin D therapy on unintentional falls in older adults in the UK
Evidence Based Prevention Of Type 2 Diabetes: Role Of Lifestyle Intervention As Compared To Pharmacological Agents.
What is the Optimal Lifestyle Modification Advice for Patients with ‘Pre-Diabetes’?
'Pre-diabetes' - the risk it poses to South Africa and the role of lifestyle modification
The use of social media among health care professionals within and online postgraduate diabetes diploma course
Treat-to-target trials in diabetes
Intensive versus conventional glycemic control: What is best for patients with type 2 diabetes?
Quantitative vibration perception threshold in assessing diabetic neuropathy: is the cut-off value lower of Indian subjects? [Q-VADIS Study]
Critical appraisal of the recent data published on the link between insulin and cancer