Dermatology Courses
Clinical dermatology is an increasingly popular clinical entity amongst medical trainees and nurses within the UK and also internationally. This is particularly so in primary care where skin disease is the greatest disease prompting consultation in children and the second biggest problem amongst adults.
The number of potential dermatological diagnoses has been estimated at 3000 and each can present in several ways. Although a substantial number of these cases involve chronic disease, many can be treated or cured. This means increasing your knowledge through online dermatology courses can add significant value to your patients, especially given the social stigmas surrounding skin disease.
Our 100% online dermatology courses are designed to facilitate a better understanding of dermatological disorders, develop your knowledge which is an essential complement to clinical practice and ensure you are better equipped to improve patient care.
Postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology (University of Buckingham)
Postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology (University of South Wales)
Postgraduate Certificate in Trichology and Hair Sciences
Dermatology (University of South Wales) MSc
Dermatology SCE
European Board of Dermatovenereology Diploma (EBDVD)
Dermatology (University of Buckingham) MSc